Mitochondria are cellular organelles that burn fuel to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. They are highly dynamic, constantly fusing with neighboring mitochondria and then fissioning. Each cell has a thousand or so, and each is controlled by one or more loops of bacterial style DNA (mtDNA). With aging, ATP production declines, due in large part to the build-up of errors in the mtDNA. These errors are of two types. First are mutations that shut down ATP production altogether, and second are the addition of random methyl groups (epimutations) that reduce output. The cyclic treatment described below targets both.
Cells have a quality control (QC) program for eliminating mutated mtDNA, in which the process of fusion and fission is central. If even one gene of the 37 in mtDNA is mutated, it cannot produce all the enzymes and other components necessary for the Krebs cycle by which ATP is generated. With aging, the QC process goes into decline, and damage relentlessly increases while energy decreases.
In the mitochondrial fusion state, enzymes are shared between multiple loops of mtDNA, so even if all mtDNA loops have a random bad gene, ATP output is only slightly decreased. In the fission state, however, the ATP output will go to zero, and the fissioned mitochondria they reside in will be labeled as defective and recycled in an enzyme-filled trash bag called a lysosome. Removed mtDNA are then replaced by biogenesis.
Methylation is absolutely necessary in nuclear DNA (nDNA), as methylation and other types of chemical modifications produce the epigenome, which resides above the genome and turns genes on and off. The epigenome is necessary to produce the 200 cell types in the body from the one underlying genome. While proper methylation of nDNA is essential, methylation of mtDNA is undesirable for energy production, and thus is targeted in this treatment.
Methylation is not normally removed by cellular QC, but can be removed by an enzyme called demethylase, It is preferably removed during biogenesis, when mtDNA is replicated.
The Cyclic Method:
This method has three parts—
1. Fission alternating with fusion 2. Promoting biogenesis 3. Promoting demethylase
Mitochondria are first driven to fission, exposed to demethylase during biogenesis, then are driven to fusion and again exposed to demethylase during biogenesis. This cyclic method requires two alternating doses, Mito1 and Mito2—
Mito1 (fusion) ● GMS, 1 g ● AKG, 1 g ● PQQ, 20 mg
Mito2 (fission) ● NAM+R, 1 g of each ● AKG, 1 g ● PQQ, 20 mg
NAM+R (nicotinamide plus ribose) is a fission promoter, GMS (glycerol monostearate) is a fusion promoter, AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate) is a demethylase promoter, and PQQ is a biogenesis promoter. All are available from Amazon, linked below —
Nicotinamide (aka, niacinamide)
The recommended AKG is in liquid form. Hot chocolate is sufficient to dissolve and disperse GMS, and the PQQ can be taken in capsule form.
Mito1 and Mito2 are alternated on a daily basis until the exercise results obtained during fission and fusion become equal, an indication that mutations and epimutations have been eliminated. This might take only one cycle for a young person with no damage, or several weeks for an older person with substantial damage.
An experiment using reps to failure as a proxy for ATP production:
Mito1 and Mito2 were taken on alternating days. Each dose was taken in the evening and reps of dumbbell curls to failure counted first thing in the morning — five or six hours after dosing — using the same arm. The results are shown in the figure on the left.
The pre-treatment baseline (702) was 16 reps. With fusion it was higher, and with fission it was lower. With fusion (706), mitochondrial enzymes are shared, thus ATP production and reps were maximum. With fission (704), methylated (or otherwise damaged) mtDNA produce less ATP, thus reps were minimum. The % difference (708) reflects the percentage damaged mitochondria. As they are removed and replaced in iterative fashion, the difference should fall to zero, which in fact it did.
Improvement in running endurance, reduced hunger, and reduced need for hypertension medication. Reps to failure drifted upward to 26 reps when checked weeks later, even without further treatments. This was likely due to improved cellular metabolism, as ATP availability is the basis for most cellular functions.
The above methods and compositions are patented and available for licensing.
© 2023 Lou Dischler
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